What is the

Kingdom common good?

living more wholly alive!

We are working for the common good of the Northeast Kingdom and Beyond!

We are Kingdom locals with a common sense calling: helping everyone here live more wholesomely alive.

We share a free, local social-media-platform, Kingdom Placebook, for promoting awesome people and events in the Kingdom and trading our thinking, crafting and working hours.

We craft and carry out Integral Marketing Initiatives (IMI) to support locals making more money in a wholesome and community friendly way.

We make living more alive with our Kingdom Sky Pop-Up-Jam-and-Dance-Parties, and we spread the word about common good live music and cultural events.

We share common good culture and help create learning experiences for blossoming more lively and wholesome people!

common good feature quote

It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you. It’s what you know that ain’t so.

-Mark Twain

Kingdom Common Good Inc.

Conscious culture is simply using our knowing and being consciously for living more wholesomely alive! Check these tips for walking the talk, and living more whole and alive!

Good to do

Looking for good things to do in the Kingdom? Engage in our embodied learning experiences, sponsor or attend a live music event, or find out about the ideas, living experiences and common good companies and people we promote!